I am not my Dress by blogger Susan

During a very controversial case in East Texas in 2011, a community member was heard saying that the 11-year-old girl who was raped was dressed like a 20-year-old woman with red lipstick and a very short skirt. unfortunately, this kind of comment is not new in our society as most men and even women seem to believe that a woman can be blamed if she suffers sexual assault just because she was inappropriately dressed.

However, the truth is that it is not any woman’s fault or desire to be bullied, heckled or assaulted in the streets, clubs or office because of her dressing. Women wear shorts, skirts and the little black dress and high heels because it feels sexy and powerful to do so. Just like hot men have the right to walk shirtless, it is also women’s rights to dress however they want at any time.

Clothing and fashion, in general, are a form of expression and not an invitation for all the perverts in the community to come after you. After all, self-control is a virtue and everyone should practice it.