5 ways to be an Sexual Assault Advocate by blogger Lana

1. Listen and believe survivors

Because of the fear of not being believed or listened to can silence survivors. Let them talk out and tell them that you believe what they’re saying. Beside that,
also allow them to choose how much they’re willing to tell you. It needs a lot of strength to be able to talk out.

2. Don’t expect a certain reaction

It’s important not to tell them that they should feel a certain way, otherwise they might doubt themselves that their explanation is wrong

3. Be physically present

Physically being there for the victim can make them feel safe. Therefore they will trust you more.

4. Study up

Learn as much as you can about the process of reported sexual assaults so that you’re ready to help your victim fast.

5. Get involved with ASVP (Anti-Sexual Violence Politics)

Use your voice to show your support of sexual assault survivors