01SepSeptember 1, 2019 Sisterhood in Social Media by Nya Brooks If you know me, you know I LOOOOVE social media, especially Twitter. It is a great way to meet new people, laugh, and learn new information. Continue Reading→
12JulJuly 12, 2019 Undefeated For Nine Years: Celebrating Progress and Anniversaries With Savana Martin Interview by: Nya Brooks Interview by: Nya Brooks Q: What were your thoughts on sexual assault prior to becoming a survivor? A: I had limited awareness about sexual assauContinue Reading→
06MayMay 6, 2019 She Was A Warrior For Herself: Street Harassment In The City of Chicago by Nya Brooks Living in a large city like Chicago has its advantages, including access to public transportation, restaurants, stores, night life, etc. Large ciContinue Reading→