How Men Can Help Survivors of Sexual Assault by blogger Debra

One in six women will experience some form of sexual assault in their lifetime. These survivors often face extensive emotional trauma, the fear of public scrutiny, and many other related issues.

A way for men to help survivors is to show empathy and understanding and be attuned to survivor’s needs. This is only one of
many ways in which men can help survivors of sexual assault. Here are other ways Men Can Help Survivors of Sexual Assault:

  1. Be available when they need you
    Rape Crisis Centers are one resource that provides 24/7 hotline services where these individuals can receive
    emotional support as well as practical assistance such as transportation or temporary safe lodging.
  2. Don’t ask a woman if she was drinking or wearing revealing clothes.
    Rape is committed by anyone who chooses to do so regardless of the victim’s level of intoxication. And don’t
    joke about rape or sexual assault, this can isolate and further traumatize women and change the atmosphere
    from empowering to skeptical.
  3. Avoid explicit questions
    Don’t ask her explicit questions about her experience, her body, or anything that would be considered an
    invasion of privacy. Ask about how she’s feeling instead of asking if he should “make sure” she is ok or calls
    them all stalker-like questions.
  4. Help her get to a safe location as soon as possible.
    Ideally, a woman should change clothes immediately and go directly to the hospital where she can be
    processed and taken care of. A woman may also find it more comfortable to get validated if in a relationship
    with someone she trusts, such as her partner or friend, who can tell her that she’s not in this alone.

5. Don’t wait until it’s too late.
There are things you can do now that will help prevent terrible things from happening later in life. Ask her
how she’s doing and be there to listen. Take care of yourself, too. Seeing a woman in pain is not fun, but
remember, you’re doing this so she can heal.
Victims of sexual violence should not have to face the social, psychological, and economic ramifications
alone. It’s important for men to be aware of the signs and symptoms that are present in victims of sexual
assault and put an end to inappropriate questioning as well as any other behavior that may cause more harm
than good.