Generally we associate men with leadership roles, but in this era of modernization, that Lady Boss is the
new leader.
We’ve heard the stats of having women in leadership roles helps improve a start-ups performance by 63
percent, but that’s a number and numbers are not relatable. – Devin Dixon
Branding is an essential exercise for a start-up, for both refining the venture and rooting the seed of
team work in the employees and leading body.
As branding is a vast process and it takes up of ideas. Ideas come from people, similar ideas comes from
similar people and colourful ideas comes from different people. As a start-up you can’t hire people from
around the globe to meet people with different ethnicities but you can be a gender friendly
organization. It’s a fact that organizations which have a balanced number of employees, are supposed to
grow at a higher rate.
Whenever there’s a mis-balance in number of gender in the organization, then It’s obvious that the
gender with higher number of employees tend to dominate the recessive gender. Eventually leading to
non-freedom of expression affecting the flow of ideas.
Role of women in the workplace, helps to flow of different ideas, as you have a free opinion of different
gender, in the beginning of start-up. Having just a group of guys in the leading position limits the vision
of company, directly proportional to the growth.
By the end of the exercise you’ll be able to position your brand to be more flexible and habitual to
different competitive environments.