Speak Up, Stand Up, by blogger Diana

It is interesting, reflecting on the hope for what sexual assault prevention should look like in

It should not be necessary because sexual assault should not be happening.
There was a social media post that went viral, posing the question, “what would you do if there were no men on earth for 24 hours” and the comments section was heart breaking. “Dance
around at 3 am without fearing my life,” “let my daughter play outside by herself,” “go on a walk
alone at night or ride my bike alone.” The comments section was not about anything other than
being less afraid and that speaks volumes for the state of the world and how sexual assault is a
daily threat that affects how women (and men) lead their lives.
Don’t get me wrong, I know some AMAZING men. They would agree with these statements
about how the entire culture needs to shift to lead both men and women in humanitarian ways.
I also am very aware that sexual assault knows no gender and that both women and men can be perpetrators and victims. The statistics of women victims still remains much larger, and that
is why the narrative tends to lead them in a more vulnerable position.
In 2021, I want sexual assault prevention to be something MEN talk about more. I want to hear
men from all over the world stand up to their friends/colleges/teammates/superiors and call out
harassment, believe women in their statements, pursue justice to those who violate a person’s
“No.” I want victims to be believed, I want friends and strangers alike to come together and
not let this world be run by questions of “what was she wearing,” “why didn’t she run,” “why
didn’t she fight back harder,” and instead be driven by responses of “he will be held
responsible and justice will be served,” “let’s address toxic masculinity,” “we can give people a
safe space to report and make sure they feel comfortable and supported doing so.”
We need more people with fire in their belly to advocate for justice and speak up in order to assist with sexual assault prevention. We need men specifically to speak up. It does have to
progress to the assault itself, it starts with the “guy talk” in the locker room, the objectification
of humans, the silence that assumes agreement when hurtful, horrible, sexualized things are
said without consent. To take MLK’s quote in a new light, “our good men begin to disappear
the day they become silent about objectifications they hear and do not speak and act against.”
It’s almost 2021, speak up.