Have you been sexually assaulted, or you are suffering from the trauma of any other terrible experience. You can heal yourself from the trauma this holiday with the ways outlined right below.

Talk to someone you trust
Discussing your problems or traumatic experience often gets the burden off your chest. So, you should talk to someone about it. Opening up to someone about
it this holiday will set you free. However, you need to be careful about who you confide in. Your best bet is a very close friend or a family member. You could
also consult a therapist about it.

Join a support group
There are groups that act as the voice of the vulnerable. These groups support rape victims, sexual assault victims, and people suffering from certain violence-related
trauma. You can join any of the groups. Although they will support you in many ways, linking you up with other people who survived what you
encountered will heal you faster.

Take control of your thoughts
Rape and sexual assault often make victims weak, sad, and vulnerable. This may not change until you take control of your mind and thoughts. Don’t let your
situation define who you are. Liven up and live your life to the fullest. That is the easiest way to put everything behind you.

Conclusively, while there are other ways to heal yourself of the pain and trauma your tragic experience this holiday, the three ways outlined above will go a
long way in achieving that.